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Oroville Dam Disaster Is Latest In Series Of CA Government Corruption, Environmental Failures

On February 13th, 2017 residents in Oroville, CA, were given a last second, panicked directive to evacuate their homes and flee the area due to concerns that the Oroville dam was about to imminently fail. At the time of this article, the dam has still not yet failed. Should it fail though, California's government may face tough questions about their failure to adequately prepare for a disaster they had been warned about for over a decade.

Thousands Evacuated As California Dam Is Set To Collapse

Residents of Oroville in California have been told to evacuate as the nations largest dam is expected to fail. Approximately 200,000 people living below the Oroville dam have been asked to evacuate as a spillway appeared to be close to collapse. .@JerryBrownGov Issues Emergency Order to Help Response to #OrovilleSpillway — Gov. Brown Press Ofc (@GovPressOffice) February 13, 2017 Authorities are attempting to stem the breach with the help of helicopters.

Air-Force Test-Launches Minuteman ICBM From California

Air-Force Test-Launches Minuteman ICBM From California

The rattling of sabres grows ever louder. reports that the Air Force says an unarmed Minuteman 3 missile has been launched from California's central coast in the latest test of the intercontinental system.

The missile blasted off at 11:39 p.m. PDT Wednesday from Vandenberg Air Force Base northwest of Los Angeles.

The Air Force says the missile carried test re-entry vehicles that headed for a target area 4,200 miles away to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Trump Readies Army To Counter China Plot To Occupy California

President Donald Trump is secretly preparing to counter a sinister plot by China to occupy California as part of a massive Pearl Harbor type of attack.  With China wiping out a quarter of its world’s largest foreign-currency stockpile over the last 18 months, and taking over top 6 major Hollywood studios, Beijing have already positioned themselves to form an alliance with the Trump-hating liberal elite in order to advance their plans.
