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California Lt. Gov Vows To Block Trump’s Wall “By Any Means”

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom has vowed to do everything in his power to block Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border.  In an interview with the LA Times, Newsom says he will take advantage of various environmental laws at his disposal to stop Trump in his tracks and sabotage his plans for building the controversial wall. reports: “There’s something called CEQA in California—NEPA at the federal level,” Newsom told the podcast host. “There’s indigenous lands and autonomies relating to governance on those lands.

California Farmers Fret Over Labor Shortages As Trump Vows To Deport Their Work Force

California Farmers Fret Over Labor Shortages As Trump Vows To Deport Their Work Force

Unbeknownst to most Americans, the Central Valley of California is an agricultural powerhouse producing nearly 50% of all fruits and vegetables grown in the United States, including over 90% of popular items like almonds, carrots and table grapes.  But producing all those fruits and vegetables is extremely labor intensive requiring up to nearly 500,000 laborers each year.  The problem is that those jobs are extremely seasonal (see chart below) and extremely difficult requiring hours of back-breaking work in the 100-degree California sun.


California Dems Retain Eric Holder To Fight "Clear And Present Danger" From Trump

California Dems Retain Eric Holder To Fight "Clear And Present Danger" From Trump

A few weeks ago we highlighted an epic climate change rant offered up by California's governor, Jerry Brown, who vowed to fight Trump, saying "we've got the scientists, we've got the lawyers and we're ready to fight" (see "Caught On Tape: CA Governor Brown Goes On Epic Climate Change Rant; Vows To Defy Trump").  And while Brown touted his army of lawyers, apparently he needed just one more which prompted the retention of former Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder.  Per the New York Times:
