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Stanford Study Reveals California Pensions Underfunded By $1 Trillion Or $93k Per Household

Stanford Study Reveals California Pensions Underfunded By $1 Trillion Or $93k Per Household

Earlier today the Kersten Institute for Governance and Public Policy highlighted an updated pension study, released by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, which revealed some fairly startling realities about California's public pension underfunding levels.  After averaging $77,700 per household in 2014, the amount of public pension underfunding for the state of California jumped to a staggering $92,748 per household in 2015.  But don't worry, we're sure pension managers can grow their way out of the problem...hedge fund returns have been stellar recently, r

California Bans Cow Farts To Combat Global Warming

Farmers in California have been ordered to stop their cows from farting, or face paying an unspecified fine by State regulators.  In an attempt to reduce methane emissions by 40 per cent in order to tackle global warming, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new law regulating the amount of methane ‘allowed’ to be released from cows. According to scientists, gasses produced by cow farts are a major source of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Clinton Projected Winner Of California Primary, Sanders Vows To Fight On

Clinton Projected Winner Of California Primary, Sanders Vows To Fight On

With Hillary already having proclaimed herself as the democratic nominee last night, NBC News just projected Hillary Clinton the winner of the California primary.

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With 91.7% reporting, Hillary Clinton was leading by a margin of 56% to 43% when Clinton was declared the winner.

Was Hillary Caught Colluding With AP To Announce Delegate Win Before California

Was Hillary Caught Colluding With AP To Announce Delegate Win Before California

Conspiracy theory may be about to become conspiracy fact once again as the oddly-timed proclamation by the Associated Press last night that Hillary had secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party nomination may have been planned days in advance...

As we detailed earlier, on a day with no voting, based on AP's surveys of the un-named anonymous super-delegates, they stated that Hillary had the 2383 delegates to secure the nomination... as Mike Krieger exclaimed,
