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Bernie Sanders' Last Stand: A Preview Of Tonight's Primaries

Bernie Sanders' Last Stand: A Preview Of Tonight's Primaries

Although the AP called the Democratic race for Hillary last night (stunningly on a day when nobody voted), and Trump secured the GOP nomination long ago, the show must go on so that those in the remaining states will have their opportunity to cast a vote.

Of course, Bernie Sanders will look for the upset in California this evening, and is hoping to convince enough superdelegates to support him at the convention in Philadelphia - Something the AP thought was out of the cards.

Major Libertarian Victory Coming In November

Major Libertarian Victory Coming In November

Submitted by John Rubino via,

No, not the presidential election. That’s a libertarian nightmare no matter how you slice it.

But on that same day, California is apparently going to legalize marijuana. Here’s the LA Times’ coverage of the ballot measure when it got the required number of signatures back in May:

California voters getting chance to fully legalize marijuana

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Is Demography Electoral Destiny?

Kevin Drum has a rather strange post up about California and Proposition 187. He argues as follows:

Here’s what California has looked like in presidential elections over the past 35 years:

Unless I made a mistake somewhere, Prop 187 had precisely zero effect. As the non-white population of California rose, the Democratic share of the presidential vote rose in almost perfect tandem. After 1994, it continued growing at the same rate as ever.
