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If The Majority Votes To Secede - What About The Minority?

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In recent years, left-wing groups have often been the driving force behind secession movements. This has been the case in Scotland, in Catalonia, and in California. 

In each case, the secession movements have been initiated in part to forward left-wing goals, such as the creation of a larger welfare state or to escape limitations imposed by political interest groups and institutions deemed to be too right-wing. 

Does Government Spending Create More Economic Growth? (Spoiler Alert: No, Silly!)

Does Government Spending Create More Economic Growth? (Spoiler Alert: No, Silly!)

Authored by Frank Shostak via The Mises Institute,

After the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, fears of ballooning public debt and worries about the drag on economic growth pushed authorities in some countries to lower government spending, a tactic that economists now think may have slowed recovery. Note that in the United States the total debt to GDP ratio stood at 349 in Q1 this year.

Dramatic Photos Of Record-Setting Wildfire Above Downtown Los Angeles

Dramatic Photos Of Record-Setting Wildfire Above Downtown Los Angeles

On Sunday California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency for Los Angeles County as the La Tuna wildfire encroached on L.A. and burned eerily on the skyline just north of downtown, keeping nervous residents on the alert as homes and business were threatened. What is now being reported as the largest brush fire in Los Angeles history began in Burbank on Friday, but the cause is still under investigation.

Male, Female, Or 'Nonbinary': California Set To Be First State To Add "Gender X" Designation To Licenses

Male, Female, Or 'Nonbinary': California Set To Be First State To Add "Gender X" Designation To Licenses

Up until now, state issued identification cards around the country have limited gender designations to 'male' and 'female' because, well, biological science has historically taught us that those were the only two options.  But that hateful and narrowed-minded micro-aggression perpetrated by our genetic code will no longer be tolerated in the state of California, whether it's a scientifically proven fact or not. 
