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"If Catalonia Fails, We All Fail..."

"If Catalonia Fails, We All Fail..."

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

While I’ve touched on the Catalan independence movement in several recent posts, I want to make one thing clear from the start. I don’t have a strong opinion on whether or not independence is the right move for the region and its people. It would be completely inappropriate for me, a U.S. citizen living in Colorado, to lecture people 5,000 miles away on how they should organize their political lives.

Spanish Stocks, Bonds Slump As Catalan Parliamentary Debate Looms

Spanish Stocks, Bonds Slump As Catalan Parliamentary Debate Looms

Hopes of a 'stall' in secession proceedings have been dashed amid speculation that Catalonia’s regional parliament will convene on Monday, despite a suspension ordered by the central government in Madrid.

The bounce yesterday has been erased...Putting a nail in the coffin of 'stall', El Mundo reports that Catalan pro-independence party says not working on any scenario that delays declaratiuon of independence.

It's now very clear what the establishment's strategy is...

Good Cop...

Watch Live: Catalans Occupy Schools, Blockade Roads Amid Police/Government Threats, "History's About To Be Written"

Watch Live: Catalans Occupy Schools, Blockade Roads Amid Police/Government Threats, "History's About To Be Written"

Live Feed:

The Spanish ambassador to UK, Carlos Bastarreche, has warned Catalan government’s move will have ‘serious implications’ for European stability...

Europe is watching “a slow-motion, low-cost coup d’etat” by the Catalan government.


“If the Catalan government succeed it will be a drama for Europe, starting with the UK, because it will mean that a region can disobey the rule of law.