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Central Intelligence Agency

Q&A: How Can I Stop My TV Spying On Me?

Q&A: How Can I Stop My TV Spying On Me?

Following today's publication, by WikiLeaks, of documents exposing the CIA's secret hacking program - describing tools that can turn a world of increasingly networked, camera- and microphone-equipped devices into eavesdroppers, AP's Frank Bajak answers the public's biggest questions. Bajak warns consumers, there's "not much you can do if you don't want to sacrifice the benefits of the device," but offers a silver-lining of sorts for the average joe, the "tools that appear to be targeted at specific people's (devices)..

CIA hack job(s) EXPOSED

CIA hack job(s) EXPOSED

Finally, we have a 'snowden' event for the CIA and the inner workings of how the agency operates in the digital 'cyber' sphere.  Wikileaks released "Vault7" - a treasure trove of documents pertaining to their 'cyberwarfare' or in layman's terms, hacking operations.  Since we've released Splitting Pennies, in the hope of explaining how the world 'really' works - we've received mostly positive feedback, but many mainstream readers have accused us of being 'conspiracy theorists' - well now we have the proof.

WikiLeaks: Russian Hacking Was ‘False Flag’ By CIA

WikiLeaks: Russian Hacking Was ‘False Flag’ By CIA

WikiLeaks claim that the DNC and Podesta hacks were a “false flag operation” by the CIA, designed to undermine President Trump.  The Central Intelligence Agency’s UMBRAGE group used hacking tools to leave behind fake breadcrumbs that falsely traced any potential hacking back to Russia. This Wikileaks release confirms what many independent news outlets have been saying all along: the Deep State wanted Clinton to win the Presidency due to the threat Trump poses to the globalists’ agenda.

WikiLeaks: CIA Listens To Your iPhone Conversations

WikiLeaks: CIA Listens To Your iPhone Conversations

Thousands of CIA documents published by WikiLeaks on Tuesday reveal that the Central Intelligence Agency had tools enabling them to listen to private conversation on any iPhone device.   The Vault7 documents reveal that the CIA developed malware enabling them to turn iPhones, Android devices and Samsung smart TVs into covert listening devices. Under the codename “Weeping Angel,” developed in co-operation with MI5, the spy agency was able to listen into private conversations held in front of a smart TV – even whilst the television set was apparently switched off.
