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Central Intelligence Agency

In Major Intel Overhaul, Trump Adds CIA Director Back To National Security Council

In Major Intel Overhaul, Trump Adds CIA Director Back To National Security Council

On Monday afternoon President Donald Trump amended the Saturday memo which established a National Security Council which originally did not list the CIA director as a "regular attendee" of NSC meetings (it did, however, elevate Steve Bannon to that position), and announced that the administration has decided to add the director of the CIA back to the National Security Council.

White House Denies Authenticity Of Leaked Executive Order To Reopen CIA "Black Site" Prisons

Earlier today, the New York Times published a 3-page draft of an executive order, allegedly penned by the Trump administration, entitled "Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants."  According to the NYT, which "obtained" the document from an anonymous source, the executive order seeks to, among other things, reopen overseas CIA "black site" prisons that Obama ordered closed in 2009. 

Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed To Lead CIA

Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed To Lead CIA

Just a day after President Trump visited Langley, 53-year-old Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo has been confirmed by the Senate as CIA Director amidst its most contentious relationship with the White House in decades. As voting continued, there were 67 "yes" votes, more than enough to confirm Pompeo, and 30 voted against. Almost all the opposition was from Democrats, but perhaps most notably Rand Paul voted against him.

Fakewood EXPOSED: Where Fake News began

Fakewood EXPOSED: Where Fake News began

With the internet rife with "Fake News" - Fake Profiles, fake comments, and fake just about everything; let's do what an intelligence analyst should do (that is, analyze and not just do whatever his client pays him to do).  And, the first step before collecting current information is to understand the history.  In our case, the history of "Fake News" in USA at least, goes back to the days of WW1 (that's World War 1) and became mainstream, during WW2.
