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Central Intelligence Agency

Trump Boasts Inauguration TV Ratings, Asks Why Protesters Didn't Vote, Praises CIA

Trump Boasts Inauguration TV Ratings, Asks Why Protesters Didn't Vote, Praises CIA

Those wondering if Trump would change his tweeting ways now that he is president - and has not just one, his personal @realDonaldTrump account, but two including the official @POTUS username - got an answer in three parts this morning, when Trump greeted Sunday morning with three tweets addressing three distinct media newslines over the weekend.

Trump and the CIA

Trump and the CIA

So how come Trump is playing goody-goody with the CIA, some readers ask?

Come on, guys and gals. You can figure this out for yourself. There are two obvious reasons. One is that Trump thinks the attacks on him were political from the top and did not involve the rank and file. The other is that time and energy are limited, and he doesn’t want to be deterred from his agenda by fights with the CIA.

Let’s hope Trump is correct.

Trump Versus The CIA

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

When I read Trump’s defenders, such as Daniel Lazare, having to balance their defense with denunciations of Trump, I think the CIA’s propaganda is working. In his article, Lazare asks the rhetorical question, “Is a military coup in the works?” He then goes on to describe the CIA and presstitute coup against Trump unfolding before our eyes. 

CIAs role in financial markets EXPOSED by documents release

CIAs role in financial markets EXPOSED by documents release

The CIA is under pressure from a lot of individuals and groups that question the agency's relevance in today's world, even Jack Ma dropped the comment at Davos that $14 Trillion was 'wasted' on wars over the years.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex - The CIA has been a currency manipulator and agency-employee for the banks, since inception.  Now, we have the evidence.

CIA Unveils New Rules For "Collecting, Analyzing And Storing" Information On American Citizens

CIA Unveils New Rules For "Collecting, Analyzing And Storing" Information On American Citizens

In a burst of transparency, one day after it made available some 13 million pages of archives documents online for the first time, on Wednesday the Central Intelligence Agency unveiled revised rules for collecting, analyzing and storing information on American citizens, publishing them in full for the first time.
