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Central Intelligence Agency

Leading German Journalist Says ‘CIA Media’ Pushing For World War

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the  journalist and author, who spoke out about mainstream and fake news, reportedly died from a heart attack on January 13th at the age of 56. The former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of largest newspapers in Germany, had admitted that he -in effect- ‘worked’ for the CIA and that he had been educated to lie to and betray the public. His fears for a war in Europe, lead him to his decision to expose the truth about corporate media being controlled by the financial class. (See Video below)..

Putin: CIA Thugs Plan Violent Coup Against Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a strongly worded “urgent” warning to Donald Trump, telling the President-elect that the CIA plan to orchestrate a violent coup against him.  Putin says he sees the U.S. spy agencies using “Maidan-style” methods previously used in Ukraine to orchestrate a violent coup that will either see Trump killed or removed from office. Referring to the current administration as “worse than prostitutes,” Putin rejected the claims that Russia helped Trump win the election, and warned that the U.S.

Trump Says CIA Chief Might Have Leaked ‘Fake News’ Against Him

President-elect Donald Trump says that the outgoing CIA Director John Brennan might be the person who has been leaking “fake news” about him. On Sunday, Trump tweeted that Brennan may have leaked information about the existence of an unsubstantiated report that Russia allegedly has compromising information on Trump. It follows Brennan’s earlier warning to Trump to watch his tongue after he slammed the incoming president for comparing the US intelligence community to Nazi Germany.

CIA Officer Uncovers ‘Proof Hitler Faked His Own Death’

Veteran CIA officer Bob Baer has accessed 700 pages of newly declassified information and claims that it proves Adolf Hitler “faked his own death” and then “fled to South America in a submarine via Tenerife”. Bob Baer – assisted by US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was involved in the capture of Osama Bin Laden – explained: “The narrative the government gives us is a lie.
