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Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA, Washington Post, And Russia: What You're Not Being Told

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

According to an unsubstantiated article by the Washington Post, anonymous CIA officials have confirmed that the Russian government hacked the United States election to favor Donald Trump. Though it’s entirely possible the Russian government attempted to influence the election, the Post has been widely criticized — for the second time in a month — for its failure to follow basic journalistic practices. Nevertheless, the narrative is sticking.

The CIA Strikes Again?

The CIA Strikes Again?

Were CIA Dirty Hands Behind Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey?

by Stephen Lendman

Russia’s investigation will get to the bottom of what happened, why and who was responsible.

Though unknown at this point, it has the earmarks of a CIA plot to undermine growing Russian/Turkish ties, notably their cooperation in Syria, adversely affecting Washington’s regional imperial agenda.

The assassination happened in the wake of Aleppo’s liberation, a major defeat for Washington, NATO, Israel and other rogue Middle East states.

CIA Agent: US Government Lied About Saddam Hussein

A CIA agent who captured and questioned Saddam Hussein ten years ago has revealed that everything the US told the public about the former Iraqi leader was a lie. CIA analyst John Nixon was tasked with questioning Saddam Hussein on December 13, 2003. In his first public statement about the ordeal, Nixon says that Saddam ended up turning all of his assumptions “upside down.” reports: I had been up for 27 hours and was flat-out exhausted, but the news sent jolts of adrenaline through me like I’d never experienced before.

Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Only A Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA.

When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
