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Dennis Kucinich Echoes George Washington in Discussing the Sad State of the US Congress

The United States Congress is in a sad state. The American people recognize this, holding Congress in very low regard. Dennis Kucinich, who served in the House of Representatives from 1997 to 2013 as a Democratic representative from Ohio and is seeking to return to the House as an independent candidate, gives some of the details for why this situation has come about in a Tuesday interview with host Andrew Napolitano at the Judging Freedom show.

Dennis Kucinich Discusses the Pressure on Congress Members to Support War

Dennis Kucinich proved his antiwar bona fides over 16 years in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat from Ohio and two campaigns for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. In a new interview with host Chris Hedges at The Chris Hedges Report, Kucinich discusses some of the pressure members of Congress are under that helps ensure that few members speak out against war like he did.
