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What Happens If The Government Shuts Down

What Happens If The Government Shuts Down

Saturday, April 29, marks what may be a bittersweet anniversary for the Administration: it is President Trump's 100th day in office. It could also mark Day 1 of a government shutdown if Congress doesn't pass a spending bill authorizing funding, or if the president doesn't sign it before then. This is a risk the GOP will be eager to avoid, although in recent days chatter has again picked up as a result of Trump's insistence to add wall funding in the spending bill.

Will the Democrats Trigger Another 2011 Debt Ceiling Crisis Just to Stop the Wall?

Will the Democrats Trigger Another 2011 Debt Ceiling Crisis Just to Stop the Wall?

Do you remember when GOP Senators and Representatives were portrayed as literal monsters for forcing the Government to shut down?

We were told back in 2013 that if GOP-lead Congress didn’t keep the Government open… we would face literal Armageddon.

A few headlines from that time period:

Republicans Shutdown the Government for Nothing (the Atlantic)

Like Dr. Frankenstein, the GOP is trapped in a burning windmill with a monster of their own making (Charleston City Paper)

Mulvaney: "Deal To Avoid Government Shutdown Could Come Today" But Won't Due To Border Wall

With president Trump optimistic, but already laying plans for a possible government shutdown - which incidentally would take place on the symbolic 100th day of Trump's administration, incentivizing Democrats to be especially confrontational - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney tried to talk down concerns of an imminent government closure, and said talks between Republicans and Democrats in Congress could reach an agreement to avoid a government shutdown as early as Sunday.
