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These Are The Four Political Risks Keeping Goldman Up At Night

With political uncertainty near record highs (but equity market uncertainty near record lows), Goldman's Jan Hatzius analyzes the four biggest political risks receiving the most attention from market participants (and stand to create the most chaos if the priced for perfection market is disappointed).

Via Goldman Sachs,

Q: What are the near-term risks on the agenda in Washington?

There are four risks we are monitoring that have recently received some attention from market participants:

El-Erian Warns Of America's CONfidence Economy

El-Erian Warns Of America's CONfidence Economy

Authored by Mohamed El-Erian via Project Syndicate,

Financial markets seem convinced that the recent surge in business and consumer confidence in the US economy will soon be reflected in “hard” data, such as GDP growth, business investment, consumption, and wages. But economists and policymakers are not so sure. Whether their doubts are vindicated will matter for both the United States and the world economy.

Budget Director Mulvaney Admits No Hope "To Balance The Budget This Year"

Budget Director Mulvaney Admits No Hope "To Balance The Budget This Year"

Appearing on Meet the Press earlier this morning with the always condescending, well at least if he's interviewing a Republican guest, Chuck Todd, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, said there's no hope of achieving a balanced budget this year.  Of course, that should hardly come as a surprise to almost anyone other than the suddenly fiscally conservative Chuck Todd. 
