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Kolanovic: We Expect "Near-Term Market Weakness; Suggest Reducing US Equities"

First Goldman, then RBC, and now JPM's top quant.

One month after JPM's head quant Marko Kolanovic warned that volatility is about to return and could lead to "accidents", the market timer also called "Gandalf" elsewhere for his prognosticative skills is out with a fresh warning, predicting "market weakness in the near-term" adding that he is cautious and urging clients to hedge equities.

Congress To Launch Investigation Into Criminal Wiretapping By Obama Admin

Congress To Launch Investigation Into Criminal Wiretapping By Obama Admin

The White House has asked Congress to criminally investigate Barack Obama for unlawfully wiretapping Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. According to Trump, the Obama administration abused their executive power as part of a phoney investigation into Russian hacking during the election, with the sole purpose of trying to make Trump lose the presidential race.

Congress Urged To Investigate Obama’s Silent Coup Against Trump

Congress is being urged to criminally investigate Barack Obama for attempting a silent coup against the Trump administration.  According to Radio host Mark Levin, a mountain of evidence proves that the former President tried to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign in the final months of the US election last year, which then developed into “police state” tactics in order to sabotage Trump’s transition to the White House when he won.
