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crude oil prices

Goldman Warns Of Oil Price Shock As Border Tax Could Lead To Surge In US Oil Production

While much has been said about the impact on the dollar from the proposed Border Tax Adjustment, which may or may not be implemented depending on what Trump says/tweets on any given day (and as a reminder, there has already been a loud outcry against it by powerful lobby groups, including the Kochs, as a result of the expected decimation of US retailers should BTA be implemented) little has been said about how it could impact US commodity production in general, and oil in particular.

Oil May Drop Under $20 In The Short-Term, But What Is Its Price Floor?

In practice, there is no bottom to how low oil prices can drop: as Canada's Bank of Montreal calculated over the weekend, as a result of an unsustainable supply-demand balance "something has to give", and for that to happen oil may drop to $25, $20 or even $15, as some aggressive put buyers are speculating. This is what the Canadian bank said:

We believe that the weakness in crude oil prices reflects a combination of fundamental factors and financial flows. Fundamentally there is simply too much oil.