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Train Driver Risks His Life Warning Passengers Of Impending Crash

Video shows a Polish train driver warning his passengers to take cover before his train smashes into a lorry stuck on the tracks. The driver left his cabin just seconds before the crash at a level crossing in Western Poland and ran down carriages warning passengers to brace themselves.  The Daily Mail reports: The driver can first be seen on the video dashing into a carriage, startling around a dozen passengers.

Female Passenger Punches EasyJet Pilot In The Face

An EasyJet flight to Cyprus was delayed after a female passenger punched the pilot in the face for ordering her out of his plane before take-off. The 25-year-old woman was arrested at Manchester Airport for assault. reports: It is understood the woman attacked the captain of the plane as she was being led away. The airline issued a statement, which read: “EasyJet can confirm that the police were called to attend flight EZY1973 from Manchester to Paphos prior to its departure on 11 May to assist with a disruptive passenger. “The passenger was subsequently arrested.

Finally Good News For Canada's Raging Wildfire: Rain, Wind Conditions Push Blaze Away From Oil Sands

Finally Good News For Canada's Raging Wildfire: Rain, Wind Conditions Push Blaze Away From Oil Sands

Cooler weather on Monday will help in firefighters  battle to get the Alberta wildfire under control. The fire, which has destroyed about 620 square miles and has been nicknamed "The Beast", has been burning since May 1 and now has more than 100 water-dropping helicopters flying over it. After expecting the fire to double in size over the weekend, light rains and cooler temperatures helped prevent that from happening.
