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Hijacked EgyptAir Flight MS181 Lands In Cyprus

An EgyptAir domestic flight from Alexandria to Cairo was hijacked on Tuesday and has landed in Cyprus. The plane was  hijacked by a passenger, who said he had a suicide belt and forced the pilot to land in Larnaka Airport, Cyprus. There were reportedly 81 passengers and crewmembers on board the plane. @airlivenet What a timing! The idiot got full media attention all over the “observable twuniverse” 🐦📺 — KLM Windsor (@Laurence_MM) March 29, 2016 All hostages on the plane are to be released with the exception of the flight crew and four non-Egyptian passengers.

Study Finds Scented Candles Are Dangerous To Human Health

New studies suggest that scented candles pose a major risk to human health – and researchers have warned that breathing in the toxic fumes from these household products is more dangerous than smoking a packet of cigarettes.  As reported in The Daily Mail, scented candles, aerosols, gels and plug-in air fresheners change the structure of our DNA due to the industrial chemicals contained within – increasing the risk of lung damage, tumors, hormonal damage, asthma, and birth defects.

Interpol Issue Dirty Bomb Alert In Belgium As Nuclear Scientist Murdered

Interpol have issued a “red notice” arrest warrant against two German Federal Intelligence Service agents who they say are connected to a plot to launch a dirty bomb attack in Belgium in the coming weeks.  The agents are suspected of importing ‘highly radioactive’ debris from the FlyDubai plane crash and of killing Brussels atomic plant worker Didier Prospero two days after the Brussels attack.

‘Don’t Do That’: Chilling Warning From FlyDubai Crew To Pilot

A transcript of the chilling final words from the crew of the FlyDubai jet that crashed in Rostov-on-Don killing 62 people has been released. A Russian TV station aired the last words exchanged between the pilot and the crew, one minute before the Boeing 737 hit the ground. Last words of the pilot: “Don’t worry.” The Mirror reports: The transcript suggests that a pilot error could be to blame for last week’s disaster. However formal investigations are still ongoing.
