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‘Don’t Do That’: Chilling Warning From FlyDubai Crew To Pilot

A transcript of the chilling final words from the crew of the FlyDubai jet that crashed in Rostov-on-Don killing 62 people has been released. A Russian TV station aired the last words exchanged between the pilot and the crew, one minute before the Boeing 737 hit the ground. Last words of the pilot: “Don’t worry.” The Mirror reports: The transcript suggests that a pilot error could be to blame for last week’s disaster. However formal investigations are still ongoing.

Russia Claim FlyDubai Plane Was Shot Down By US Missiles

Russia have turned over the investigation of the FlyDubai Flight 981 crash over to The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (SLEDKOM) – saying that they are now treating the incident as “criminal” after evidence emerged that the plane might have been shot down by two American missiles. According to the Federal Security Service – video surveillance tapes prove that two shoulder missiles of American origin were fired shortly before the plane attempted to land.

Plane Crash In Kansas Survived By Two Miracle Teenagers

A plane, rented by two young teenagers, crashed Friday onto a Kansas golf course. The plane was being flown by one of the teenagers, as reported by the AP via Yahoo News, but miraculously both teens survived the plane crash:  A 17-year-old boy was flying the 1966 single-engine Mooney on Friday afternoon when it came down on the 14th hole at the Tallgrass Country Club, Wichita police said. An 18-year-old woman also was aboard.
