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Germanwings Pilot’s Last Email Reveals He Was Afraid Of Going Blind

Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz sent a distressing email to his doctor before he crashed the A320 jet into the French Alps last year killing 150 people. The paranoid suicide pilot was suffering depression and sent an email to his doctor just weeks before the atrocity revealing his fear of going blind. “I am afraid to go blind… I can’t get this possibility out of my head,” Lubitz wrote. Mail Online reports: Lubitz, then 27, slammed the A320 jet into the French Alps on March 24, killing all 149 passengers and crew on board.

9/11 Whistleblower Who Claimed WT7 Was A Demolition Murdered By CIA

One of the top demolition experts in the Netherlands, Danny Jowenko, was found murdered under suspicious circumstances after investigating the collapse of World Trade Center 7 after the 9/11 attacks and concluding that it was brought down by a controlled demolition.  Mr. Jowneko famously looked at a clip of a WT7 collapsing in 2006, and without knowing what building he was looking at, proclaimed “This is a controlled demolition… a group of experts did this.

Teen Shoots Own Family For Telling Him To Get Up For School

A U.S. teenager opened fire on his family for telling him to get out of bed and attend school. The 16-year-old boy from Tennessee reacted badly to the request and went on to shoot his grandmother, 12-year-old sister and 6-year-old nephew. His mother escaped the onslaught by hiding behind the settee. NBC News reports: The 16-year-old boy fired multiple shots inside an east Nashville apartment but nobody suffered life-threatening injuries, police said in a news release.

UN Food Aid Lands in ISIS Controlled Territory

Food aid drops by the UN World Food Program which was intended for Syrian civilians in Deir Ezzor city, have reportedly landed in predominantly ISIS held territory. The UN claimed last week that the WFP had successfully dropped 21 tonnes of aid into the city of Deir Ezzor. ALALAM Reports: “Planes dropped the humanitarian help sent by the United Nations into the territory controlled by Daesh. Just two containers ended up in the areas where the Syrian army [is located],” the source told RIA Novosti.
