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Tens Of Thousands Of Syrians Flee Toward Turkey To Escape Aleppo

Syrian forces with support from their allies are creating a humanitarian crisis along the Syrian Turkish border with 110,000 refugees headed toward Turkey to escape fighting in western Aleppo, in northern Syria. Syrian government troops are within a few miles of encircling and cutting off Aleppo in a move that the locals fear can lead to siege and starvation.

These Are The Banks The Market Is Most Concerned About

These Are The Banks The Market Is Most Concerned About

While there are numerous financial institutions in the world that are full of hidden NPLs and over-leveraged, trading at extreme levels of risk, the FSA's "Too-Interconnected-To-Fail" list of systemically critical banks is where global investors' attention is really focused.

BMO Capital Markets breaks down the world's most systemically critical financial institutions using their own "special sauce" of CDS levels, CDS term structure, equity price, liquidity, and spread trends.


Mid-Air Explosion Forces Pilot To Perform Emergency Landing

A mystery explosion on a Daallo Airlines flight ripped open a hole in the plane and forced the pilot to take emergency landing measures while thousands of feet in the air. Police are treating the blast as ‘suspicious’ and are questioning the passengers, leading to speculations that a bomb might have been responsible. A body was reportedly seen falling from the sky at the time of the explosion. The Mirror reports: Flight D3159, travelling from Somalia to Djibouti, caught fire just five minutes after taking off from Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu this morning.
