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Mid-Air Explosion Forces Pilot To Perform Emergency Landing

A mystery explosion on a Daallo Airlines flight ripped open a hole in the plane and forced the pilot to take emergency landing measures while thousands of feet in the air. Police are treating the blast as ‘suspicious’ and are questioning the passengers, leading to speculations that a bomb might have been responsible. A body was reportedly seen falling from the sky at the time of the explosion. The Mirror reports: Flight D3159, travelling from Somalia to Djibouti, caught fire just five minutes after taking off from Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu this morning.

Chipotle Jumps Ahead Of Earnings As CDC Expected To Say Epidemic Is "Over"

Chipotle Jumps Ahead Of Earnings As CDC Expected To Say Epidemic Is "Over"

Great timing for a short-squeeze rumor? With Chipotle due to report what is likely to be ugly earnings after the bell today, CNBC reports (citing Dow Jones) that the CDS may declare an end to the E.Coli outbreak today.


This, as we suggested last night, has ripped stocks 4-5% higher (to one-week highs) squeezing shorts.


Russian Fighter Jet Came Within Feet Of USAF Plane Says Pentagon

A Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet came within 15 feet of a U.S. Air Force RC-135U reconnaissance plane flying in international airspace over the Black Sea on Monday, according to the Pentagon. abc News reports: The Pentagon is calling the intercept by a Russian SU-27 pilot as being conducted in “an unsafe and unprofessional manner” that put “both the American flight crew and himself at risk.” During the intercept of the RC-135U, the Russian pilot flew as close as 15 feet alongside the American reconnaissance plane, a Defense Department official said.

Second American Airlines Flight Grounded Over Mystery Illness

For the second time in two days, an American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after passengers and crew fell ill. On Thursday flight 904, which left Rio de Janeiro at 10.16pm enroute for Miami, was diverted to Brasilia after four people, including three crew members, complained of lightheadedness. On Wednesday flight 109 from London to Los Angeles was forced to turn back to Heathrow after around 15 people, both passengers and crew were struck down by a mystery illness.
