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Intelligence Agencies Reveal Perpetrators Of Russian Sinai Crash

Intelligence officials in Egypt and Russia have said they have determined the identity of several of the perpetrators involved in the Sinai crash.  Security officials say that the explosive device found on the A321 plane was carried onboard by an employee of the airport Sharm El-Sheikh. Fort Russ reports: At the interview the offender immediately claimed the position of a porter, who was entrusted with the loading of passengers’ luggage, with access to the airfield. The bomb, placed in the baggage compartment, exploded at the height of about nine kilometers onboard the Airbus 321.

Attorney General: Bills For Flint’s Poisoned Water Is An ‘Outrage’

Residents in Flint are still being forced to pay for contaminated water. Michigan’s Attorney General, Bill Schuette said Monday that it’s an “outrage” that residents of Flint are being forced to pay for water that’s unsafe to drink and his office may take action to stop the billing. Schuette’s office has launched a criminal investigation into the water crisis to see if any laws were broken. Schuette also announced that a former FBI chief and ex-prosecutor will lead the investigation.

Martial Law Declared In New York As Heavy Snowfall Shuts City Down

New York City temporarily declared martial law over the weekend, as police officials threatened to arrest anybody who were caught outside in the heavy snow storm that gripped the east coast of the United States. Eleven states declared states of emergency after the record-breaking storm Jonas hit the East. New York City went a stage further, with Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring martial law, ordering citizens to stay inside or risk being arrested. reports: He issued an absolute travel ban for anything that is not an emergency vehicle.

Severe Turbulence Injures 7, Forces Plane To Make Emergency Landing

Severe turbulence injured seven people on board an American airlines flight from Miami to Milan. The plane was forced to diverted and make an emergency landing in Newfoundland, Canada. Flight 206 carrying 192 passengers and 11 crew made the emergency landing at St. John’s airport at 9:46pm on Sunday. BREAKING: AA 206 from Miami to Milan has landed at St. John’s #YYT following diversion. Number of injuries reported.
