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Inbetween Rounds Of Golf Obama Sends His Condolences After Deadly Winter Storms Slam US

What was until a few days a gorgeous, balmy (and GDP boosting, pre-triple seasonal adjustment) winter, rapidly turned into something ugly, violent and deadly, with the sudden arrival of winter weather over the past week killing at least 43 people this weekend, leading to the first winter storm of the season which has also threatened to unleash more flooding in the Midwest and icy conditions in parts of the Northeast.

Chinese Mine Owner Jumps Down Well In Apparent Suicide

The owner of the collapsed gypsum mine in China apparently committed suicide by jumping down a mine well, as rescuers were trying to reach 17 trapped miners from Friday’s accident. One person died and four miners escaped when the mine collapsed in China’s eastern Shandong province. The owner of the mine drowned after he jumped into a well. He killed himself in an apparent suicide, as more than 700 rescuers battled to save workers trapped for two days underground.

Dozens Killed In Huge Nigeria Gas Plant Explosion

A massive explosion has occurred at an industrial gas plant (owned by Inter Corp Oil) in the southeastern Nigeria town of Nnewi. Local media reports the blast occurred while a truck was discharging its contents, and the ensuing fireball has left over 100 people burned to death.


