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Dozens Killed In Huge Nigeria Gas Plant Explosion

A massive explosion has occurred at an industrial gas plant (owned by Inter Corp Oil) in the southeastern Nigeria town of Nnewi. Local media reports the blast occurred while a truck was discharging its contents, and the ensuing fireball has left over 100 people burned to death.



Yemen Crisis: One More Reason to Re-evaluate the Toxic U.S.-Saudi Alliance

Saudi Arabia's involvement in Yemen has only destroyed lives and created a state of total chaos, and the U.S. government is complicit in the carnage. Both nations should, as part of the peace process, be forced to pay reparations for the tremendous damage their bombs have inflicted. The Yemen crisis should also serve as a prime moment for the U.S. to reconsider its alliance the Saudi regime.

Rand Paul Got It Right: Trump "Would Defy Every Norm That Is America"

Paul, the senator from Kentucky whose candidacy has never quite gotten off the ground, used his time on the debate stage to focus on the fundamental threat posed by Trump's disregard for civil liberties. Paul said "the basic liberties that define America, the truth is still as Benjamin Franklin described it: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
