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There Have Been 698 Earthquakes In California Within The Past 30 Days

There Have Been 698 Earthquakes In California Within The Past 30 Days

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Why is the west coast shaking so violently? 

According to the latest data from Earthquake Track, there have been 698 earthquakes in California within the past 30 days.  By the time that you read this article, that number will undoubtedly have changed.  In recent days I have felt such an urgency to write about the seismic activity on the west coast, and I am quite concerned that so few people seem to be paying attention to what is happening.

Self-Driving Cars And Deciding Who Lives And Dies - Sacrificing Your Family For The "Greater Good"

Self-Driving Cars And Deciding Who Lives And Dies - Sacrificing Your Family For The "Greater Good"

Authored by Alex Thomas via,

As the establishment continues to declare that the era of “self-driving” cars is upon us, many Americans have been left wondering what the privacy implications for such a tremendous change in society will end up being.

Now, with the very real possibility that, in the event of an accident, these cars would literally make the decision between who dies and who lives, Americans have even more to worry about when it comes to handing over control of their vehicle to a supercomputer.
