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Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

One month after a mysterious radiation cloud was observed over Europe, whose source remained unknown last week speculation emerged that it may have been the result of a "nuclear accident" in Russia or Kazakhstan, on Tuesday Russian authorities on Tuesday confirmed the previous reports of a spike in radioactivity in the air over the Ural Mountains. In a statement, the Russian Meteorological Service said that it recorded the release of Ruthenium-106 in the southern Urals in late September and classified it as "extremely high contamination."

Another US Navy Warship Crashes

Another US Navy Warship Crashes

Over the summer there were two accidental collisions involving the 7th fleet, and a total of 4 similar incidents this year... until today as yet another US Navy warship collided with a Japanese tug boat during exercises. reports the incident occurred off the east coast of Japan. The boat was on its way to the port in Yokosuka, where the US Navy is stationed.

A Japanese tug boat has accidently damaged a US missile destroyer in Sagami Bay.

Keystone XL Pipeline Shut Down After 5,000-Barrel Spill In South Dakota

Keystone XL Pipeline Shut Down After 5,000-Barrel Spill In South Dakota

Well this is awkward.  After months/years of protests targeting the Keystone XL pipeline from environmentalists worried about oil spills, TransCanada has now been forced to shut down the pipeline following...drum roll please...a 5,000 barrel oil spill in South Dakota.  According to The Hill, the pipeline was taken offline at 6am this morning following a leak that was discovered about 35 miles south of a pumping station in Marshall County, South Dakota.

US Industrial Production Jumps In October - Remains Below 2014 Peak

US Industrial Production Jumps In October - Remains Below 2014 Peak

After August's shocking plunge in Industrial Production - assumed away as storm-related -September and now October rebounded notably MoM (+0.9% vs +0.5% exp)...

as Manufacturing resurged 1.3% MoM - the most since 2010.

However, excluding the effects of the hurricanes, the index for total output advanced about 0.3 percent in October, and the index for manufacturing advanced about 0.2 percent.

In other words, the hurricanes contributed 6% of the rebound in IP... so we're gonna need moar hurricanes!
