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The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

Authored by Derrick Broze via,

The 2017 hurricane season has wrought more damage on the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of the United States than any season in the last decade. Tropical Storm Harvey smashed into the Gulf, temporarily swallowing Houston and other low lying areas. Meanwhile, Hurricane Irma caused millions of dollars in damage to Florida, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands, leaving millions without power and water.

Puerto Rican Mayors Investigated For Hoarding Supplies For "Constituents Who Voted For Them"

Puerto Rican Mayors Investigated For Hoarding Supplies For "Constituents Who Voted For Them"

Over the past couple of weeks, President Trump has taken a beating in the mainstream media for, among other things, suggesting that the mayor of San Juan had politicized federal disaster relief efforts in response to Hurricane Maria and that it was, in fact, local mayors and residents who were failing to help the recovery effort and not the federal government.  Here are just a couple of the tweets as a refresher on the topic:

Curfew Enforced As Looters Ransack Homes In Sonoma County; Death Toll In NorCal Fires Climbs To 11

Curfew Enforced As Looters Ransack Homes In Sonoma County; Death Toll In NorCal Fires Climbs To 11

As Santa Rosa residents scramble to flee the path of no fewer than 15 major wildfires raging across eight Northern California counties, police in the Sonoma county seat have instituted a sunrise-to-sunset curfew as they crack down on unscrupulous looters who’ve been raiding abandoned homes.

"We Dodged A Bullet": Hurricane Nate Misses New Orleans, Downgraded To Tropical Depression

"We Dodged A Bullet": Hurricane Nate Misses New Orleans, Downgraded To Tropical Depression

Residents of coastal towns and cities across the Southeastern US are breathing a sigh of relief as Hurricane Nate is rapidly weakening after twice making landfall in the Southeastern US late Saturday into early Sunday. The NHC has downgraded it to a tropical depression as it moves inland over Alabama; NHC has also discontinued all storm-related warnings for coastal areas, though heavy rains and flooding continue in some areas. The storm's maximum sustained winds have dropped to 40 mph, and as of late-morning Sunday, the storm was traveling near Birmingham, Alabama.
