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North Korea's Nuclear Tests Could Trigger "Supervolcano" Eruption

North Korea's Nuclear Tests Could Trigger "Supervolcano" Eruption

After North Korea’s latest nuclear test, scientists are worried that more underground explosions in the isolated country’s rocky north could set the stage for a deadly volcanic eruption not unlike the one that NASA fears could be brewing in the Yellowstone caldera.

Following the North’s sixth nuclear test, which produced a blast that, by some estimates, was as powerful as 300 kilo hertz, Chinese authorities have stepped up radiation monitoring and even closed part of their border with North Korea as fallout fears have intensified.

New York City Is Within Hurricane Jose's 5-Day "Cone Of Uncertainty"

New York City Is Within Hurricane Jose's 5-Day "Cone Of Uncertainty"

In what were perhaps the two biggest news stories of the past month, Hurricanes Irma and Harvey devastated the American south, disrupting local industry, destroying homes and critical infrastructure and dumping millions of gallons of raw sewage onto city streets - leading to the most destructive beginning to hurricane season in years.

Three Reasons Why Retail Sales Are About To Disappoint Bigly

Three Reasons Why Retail Sales Are About To Disappoint Bigly

On Friday the Department of Commerce will report August retail sales, a material report which all else equal, may influence whether the Fed proceeds with its plans to unveil balance sheet tapering in its upcoming FOMC meeting. However, as we discussed last week, the report, together with virtually all other high frequency economic reports, will be materially distorted by the destructive aftermath of hurricane Harvey (Irma's impact will be felt in the September retail report).
