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Japanese Court Finds Government & TEPCO Liable For Fukushima Disaster

Japanese Court Finds Government & TEPCO Liable For Fukushima Disaster

A Japanese court has ruled that the Governments negligence contributed to the triple meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011 and has awarded damages to evacuees. The court ruling on Friday said that the disaster could have been averted if  the government had used its regulatory powers to force the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), who were also held liable, to take adequate preventive measures.

BBC Crew Injured After Sudden Volcanic Blast On Mount Etna

BBC Crew Injured After Sudden Volcanic Blast On Mount Etna

Ten people, including members of a BBC film crew, were injured following a huge and unexpected volcanic blast on Europe’s most active volcano, Mount Etna. The violent explosion caught the crew off guard as they were filming a report on the volcano. BBC correspondent Rebecca Morelle described the incident as “extremely scary” saying that it caused injuries and evacuation from scene. Bbc team all ok – some cuts/ bruises and burns. Very shaken though – it was extremely scary.
