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Court Rules Bin Laden Family Plane Crash ‘Not Suspicious’

Court Rules Bin Laden Family Plane Crash ‘Not Suspicious’

A UK court has ruled that the deaths of three members of Osama Bin Laden’s family were “accidental” after they crashed in Hampshire, England on 31 July 2015.  The bodies of Bin Laden’s brother-in-law, Zuhair Hashim, half-sister, Sana Mohammed Bin Laden, and her mother Raja Bashir Hashim, were all “incinerated” when the pilot, Mazen Al-Aqeel Da’jah, overshot the runway causing the plane to burst into flames. However, according to experts, the plane crash was deemed “highly suspicious” at the time, with reports suggesting that the plane had to dodge a mysterious plane tailing it nearby.

Food Crisis - The Greatest Threat To Social Stability

Food Crisis - The Greatest Threat To Social Stability

Via Jeff Thomas of,

Recently, I was in a pharmacy and overheard the pharmacist say to someone, “There’s so much unpleasantness on the news these days, I’ve stopped watching.” The pharmacist has my sympathy. I’d love to be able to ignore the deterioration of the First World. It is, at turns, tedious, depressing, disturbing, and infuriating.

Storm Leaves 600,000 French Households Without Power

Storm Leaves 600,000 French Households Without Power

According to French electricity grid operator Enedis, winter storm Zeus which unleashed hurricane-force winds across much of southern France, has left more than 600,000 French households without power as of 4pm on Monday. The company's website advises that the power cuts have affected 175,000 customers in Brittany, 190,000 in Auvergne Rhone Alpes, 130,000 in Nouvelle Aquitaine, 80,000 in Pays de Loire, and the company advises that more than 3,500 technicians from Enedis are working in the field to deal with “very major” storm damage.

Millions In Syria Without Water After McCain Orders ‘Shut Down’ Of Supply

Millions In Syria Without Water After McCain Orders ‘Shut Down’ Of Supply

Millions of people in Northern Syria have been left without water following John McCain’s unexpected visit to the region last month.  Senator McCain made a secret visit to Northern Syria at the end of February, which was followed by a meeting with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to reports, McCain requested that Turkey shut down the supply of water going into Northern Syria as part of a plan to undermine Syrian President Assad. reports: According to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency, Turkey cut water supplies to Syria around Feb.
