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Fukushima Evacuees Told To Return Despite Dangerous Radiation Levels

The Japanese government is due to lift evacuation orders in heavily contaminated areas around Fukushima. Evacuees from the Fukushima Prefecture village of Iitate are now being pressured to return to their homes despite dangerous levels of radiation according to a report released by Greenpeace They say that the radiation levels there are comparable to Chernobyl’s exclusion zone.

3 California Dams ‘On Verge Of Collapse’ (Videos)

California is bracing itself for more floods and emergency evacuations as 3 dams are at risk of collapse, according to officials.  As FEMA officials prepare residents to evacuate the area surrounding the Oroville dam, two more dams have caused authorities in the State to worry. Attention has shifted to Morgan Hill and Anderson Reservoir. reports: Anderson Reservoir is rapidly filling up and over its recommended capacity. The reservoir is only supposed to be at 68 percent capacity, but it is at 100.04% capacity.

European Scientists Warn Of ‘Nuclear Incident’ In The Arctic Circle

European scientists have warned of a possible nuclear “incident” in the Arctic circle after finding radioactive Iodine-131 over large parts of Europe.  According to the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, scientists do not know the origins of the radiation and are worried that its detection in Europe may indicate some kind of nuclear incident in the vicinity of the Arctic circle.

TSA Security Breach At JFK Allows Eleven Unchecked Passengers On Flights

While Donald Trump has been consumed by concerns of halting dangerous foreigners from entering the US, the opposite happened on Monday morning, when eleven people walked through an unscreened security lane at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and reprotedly boarded flights to unknown destinations, officials told NBC News. In a total breakdown of security protocol, none of the 11 were checked by Transportation Safety Administration personnel, an airport official and senior law enforcement official said.

Another Robot Breaks Investigating Fukushima’s Extreme Radiation

Another robot sent to investigate “unimaginable”radiation levels at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has broken down. This is the second robot to break down in two weeks The “Scorpion” robot experienced catastrophic failure as it approached the core of reactor number two. A spokeswoman for the Tokyo Electric Power company TEPCO said that they don’t yet know whether it was radiation or debris that stopped the robot. Phys.Org reports: TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, sent the remote-controlled device into the No.
