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California Told To ‘Brace For Evacuation’ As Storm Approaches

Residents in parts of California have been told to prepare for an imminent evacuation as a powerful storm threatens to cause flooding across many parts of the State.  As the first outer rain bands from a Pacific storm touched Northern California on Sunday, residents in the Central Valley were told to be prepared to leave their homes amid fears that severe flooding could hit the State on Monday and Tuesday as the severity of the storm is expected to worsen.

F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft

F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft

New Yorkers, and certainly their mayor Bill de Blasio, complained bitterly about the traffic chaos unleashed by then president-elect Donald Trump when he used his Fifth Avenue-located Trump Tower as campaign headquarters, resulting in logistical and security chaos. Now it's the turn of Palm Beach, where Trump resides on most weekends in his Mar-A-Lago "Winter White House" (at a cost to taxpayers of approximately $3 million per trip).

FEMA Arrive In California For ‘Imminent Oroville Dam Collapse’

FEMA have arrived at Travis Air Force Base in Southern California in readiness for the Oroville Dam to completely collapse.  According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the storms currently raging through Southern California are very likely to lead to the Dam failing. If that happens, and there’s a strong chance it will, the death toll could reach up to several thousand – making it the worst disaster in American history.

Reporters Face 10 Years In Jail If They Mention Fukushima ‘Conspiracies’

Japanese Prime Minister Abe has warned that any reporter or doctor who publicly discloses the truth about Fukushima will face ten years in jail.  Amid the worsening crisis at Unit 2 in the Fukushima Daichi reactor complex, where “unimaginable” levels of radiation are being pumped into the ocean which scientists warn pose a cancer risk to million of Japanese citizens, the government has ordered a complete media blackout on all reports about the dangers this poses to public health.

North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters

North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters

After nearly a year since the first protest camp sprung up in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline, it looks as if the Governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, has finally had enough and has signed an executive order demanding that protesters evacuate by February 22nd.

