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Duke Recruits Men For Program To Fight "Toxic Masculinity"

Duke Recruits Men For Program To Fight "Toxic Masculinity"

Authored by Tori Airaksinen via,

Duke University is recruiting male students for a nine-week program that pledges to “destabilize masculine privilege” and “interrogate masculinity.”

The program, known as the Duke University Men’s Project, seeks to help men examine how their masculinities exist “often in toxic ways” while beginning “the work of unlearning violence.”

"The Math Doesn't Work" - Americans Are Losing Faith In College

"The Math Doesn't Work" - Americans Are Losing Faith In College

Authored by John Rubino via,

One of the hallmarks of a successful society is the widespread belief that education is a key to success.

For that to be true there have to be:

1) enough jobs farther up the food chain to make four more years of studying worthwhile, and


2) schools that are good and cheap enough to make the equation work.

Trump Ends DACA: Students, Immigration Supporters, Illegals Take To The Streets

By Stock Board Asset

High school students, illegals, and immigration supporters poured into streets today, after the Trump administration ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Over the past 5-years, the program has protected nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. The Department of Homeland Security will stop processing new application as soon as today.

Per Attorney General Jeff Sessions,

UVa Students Demand Racial Quotas, "Mandatory Education" On "Jefferson's White Supremacy"

UVa Students Demand Racial Quotas, "Mandatory Education" On "Jefferson's White Supremacy"

Authored by Sandor Farkas via Campus Reform,

A statue of Thomas Jefferson on the University of Virginia's campus has become a focal point for controversy.

Student groups at the University of Virginia have issued a list of demands that includes racial quotas and mandatory “education” about Thomas Jefferson’s connection to white supremacy.
