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1 In 5 Students Endorse Violence To 'Prevent' Controversial Speakers

1 In 5 Students Endorse Violence To 'Prevent' Controversial Speakers

Authored by Nikita Vladimirov via,

A new survey published by The Brookings Institution finds that about one-in-five undergraduate students approve of using violence to shut down controversial speakers.

A majority of undergraduate students at U.S. four-year colleges and universities also agreed with a hypothetical protest in which a group “opposed to the speaker disrupts the speech by loudly and repeatedly shouting so that the audience cannot hear the speaker.”

Brown University To Offer Segregated Student Dinners For Black, Muslim Students

Brown University To Offer Segregated Student Dinners For Black, Muslim Students

Authored by Coy Westbrook via,

University will host dinners as part of ‘racial reconciliation’ program

To promote “racial reconciliation” after the deadly clashes between white nationalists and counterprotesters in Charlottesville last month, Brown University plans to offer segregated events to its black students and female Muslim students.

How Does Your State Measure Up On Student Free Speech?

How Does Your State Measure Up On Student Free Speech?

Authored by Casey Mattox via Alliance Defending Freedom,

More than four decades ago, the Supreme Court made it clear that public college students do not sacrifice their constitutional rights when they arrive on campus, finding “no room for the view that … First Amendment protections should apply with less force on college campuses than in the community at large.”
