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"White Supremacist","Gentle Giant" James Fields Denied Bail, Said "Hitler's Policies Were Good"

"White Supremacist","Gentle Giant" James Fields Denied Bail, Said "Hitler's Policies Were Good"

Charlottesville car attack driver James Fields, described both as a "gentle giant" by some and "hard-core pro-Hitler" by others who know him, was ordered held without bond Monday as he faces second degree murder and other charges for ramming the grey car into the crowd, killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others.

Baltimore Mayor Offers Solution To "Out Of Control" Homicides - Free Community College For All

Baltimore Mayor Offers Solution To "Out Of Control" Homicides - Free Community College For All


Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announces her crime-fighting initiative last Wednesday, portion of which includes free community college. 

Her answer to a homicide rate that is doubled Chicago’s is free community college for Baltimore youth.

Here is what she had to say per WBALTV:

Baltimore School With Zero Students Proficient In Math Has Highest Graduation Rate

Baltimore School With Zero Students Proficient In Math Has Highest Graduation Rate


Baltimore’s community is absolutely stunned after ‘Project Baltimore’, an investigative reporting initiative, which was launched in March 2017, by Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. asked this question:  How can a high school with zero students proficient in math, have one of the highest graduation rates in Baltimore City?

Professor Lets Students Choose Their Own Grades For "Stress Reduction"

Professor Lets Students Choose Their Own Grades For "Stress Reduction"

Authored by Anthony Gockowski via,


A University of Georgia professor has adopted a “stress reduction policy” that will allow students to select their own grades if they “feel unduly stressed” by the ones they earned.

According to online course syllabi for two of Dr. Richard Watson’s fall business courses, he has introduced the policy because “emotional reactions to stressful situations can have profound consequences for all involved.”

Only Employment Gains In The Past Year: Those With A High School Diploma Or Lower

Only Employment Gains In The Past Year: Those With A High School Diploma Or Lower

In its latest, July, snapshot of the US economy, the NY Fed observed something startling, and which hasn't received much discussion in the media: when looking at the June report, over the past year the only employment gains have gone to less educated Americans, or as the NY Fed puts it, "over the last year, the employment-to-population ratio has risen for the less educated." It added that "for those with less than a high school degree and for high school graduates, the employment-to-population ratio rose by 0.4 percentage point and 0.9 percentage point, respectively.
