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"Boo Hoo Hoo" - New Jersey College Fires Black Professor For Making Racist Remarks

Essex County College in New Jersey has fired adjunct professor Lisa Durden after she made racially insensitive remarks during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News two weeks ago, according to the Associated Press. College officials said they received complaints about Durden’s interview, with some university constituents upset about statements that were disparaging to white people. During the interview, Durden, who is black, discussed a Memorial Day event held exclusively for black people hosted by a Black Lives Matter group.

These Are The US Cities Where Graduates Struggle The Most With Student Debt

These Are The US Cities Where Graduates Struggle The Most With Student Debt

With tuition at private colleges routinely eclipsing the $60,000 mark, it’s more important than ever for recent graduates to settle in cities where circumstances allow them to start paying down their massive debt piles as quickly as possible.

That means a city with strong job offers, but where the cost of living isn’t so high as to siphon off a young worker’s earnings.

"Shocking" Documentary Reveals The "Stunning, Infuriating" Death Of Free Speech At Evergreen College

"Shocking" Documentary Reveals The "Stunning, Infuriating" Death Of Free Speech At Evergreen College

As we have detailed numerous times, student protesters have effectively been in control of Evergreen State University for about a month now, forcing the school to hold its commencement ceremonies at an alternative venue 40 miles from campus. The protests – and the school administration’s decision to acquiesce to the students instead of trying to hold them accountable for their actions – have prompted some in the Washington State legislature to try and pull state funding from the school.

High Schools Drop "Valedictorian" Distinction Fearing Lower-Ranked Kids May Feel 'Triggered'

High Schools Drop "Valedictorian" Distinction Fearing Lower-Ranked Kids May Feel 'Triggered'

We've spent a fair amount of time over the past several years writing about the 'participation trophy generation' (a.k.a. "millennials) and, more specifically, how their inflated sense of entitlement and self-worth, irrespective of work effort and/or innate talent, would not serve them well in the real world. 
