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Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless

Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless

Authored by Jonathan Newman via The Mises Institute,

Students are running out of reasons to pursue higher education. Here are four trends documented in recent articles:

Graduates have little to no improvement in critical thinking skills

The Wall Street Journal reported on the troubling results of the College Learning Assessment Plus test (CLA+), administered in over 200 colleges across the US.

Trump To Rewrite Obama Rules On Student Loan Foregiveness

Trump To Rewrite Obama Rules On Student Loan Foregiveness

A few months ago we noted that 31% of college students in the U.S., or roughly 2.4 million kids, literally admitted to using student loan money to fund their binge drinking trips to Cancun and Daytona Beach for spring break.  Now, while most of us who've had the opportunity to live in the real world, outside the comfort of mom and dad's basement, would consider it a bad idea to borrow 10-20 year debt to take a vacation we couldn't afford, many college students seem to think it's a perfectly acceptable practice. 

Which Colleges Give You The Best Value For Your Money

Which Colleges Give You The Best Value For Your Money

You won’t find Evergreen State College on this list.

The Federal government’s decision to throw student loan dollars at any American with a pulse – while simultaneously offering to forgive that debt upon graduation – has driven college enrollment rates to record highs.

But as surging costs have rained the return on invested capital of a liberal arts degree, students who plan on leaving their safe spaces (basements) and venturing out into the working world after graduation might want to prioritize maximizing value.

Fighting Systems Of Oppression: UCLA Will Now Pay Students To Be "Social Justice Advocates"

Fighting Systems Of Oppression: UCLA Will Now Pay Students To Be "Social Justice Advocates"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As the warped social justice ideology has proliferating on college campuses, “bias response teams” have also multiplied. Though they were unheard of several years ago, they now exist on over two hundred college campuses. They consist of students and administrators who basically act as “speech police.” They narc on students (and encourage students to narc on each other) who are guilty of speech that isn’t sensitive or politically correct.

Elderly Americans Are Taking Their Grandkids' Summer Jobs

Elderly Americans Are Taking Their Grandkids' Summer Jobs

Compared with their peers in the European periphery, American teenagers looking for a part-time job this summer are in an enviable position: With the unemployment rate at a post-crisis low and demand for seasonal workers set to rise by more than 10 percentage points compared with last year, they shouldn’t have much trouble finding work, Bloomberg reported.
