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"Create Your Re-Education Camp On Your Own Dime" - Lawmakers Propose Defunding Evergreen College

Republicans in the Washington State legislature have proposed a bill to revoke $24 million in annual state funding for Evergreen State College after social justice warriors effectively shut down the school's campus for two weeks after a faculty member objected to a planned demonstration that asked all white students and staff to leave campus for a day, as Campus Reform reported.

"It's That Time Of Year Again" - High School Graduates Forced To Face "Cruel & Unnecessary Burdens"

"It's That Time Of Year Again" - High School Graduates Forced To Face "Cruel & Unnecessary Burdens"

Authored by Simon Black via,

It’s that time of year again.

Countless high school students across the northern hemisphere are ceremoniously gliding their tassels from one side of their caps to the other and accepting a rolled-up piece of paper to commemorate the past four years of their lives.

Many of them will be thrust off to university in a few short months, where, at least in the Land of the Free, they’ll be loaded down with tens of thousands of dollars in student debt.

Evergreen State College Shut Down After Threat Of "Campus Violence"

Evergreen State College closed campus on Thursday and warned students and faculty to stay away because of an unspecified threat of "campus violence" - though it's just as likely they're using the episode as an excuse to shut down the protests that have effectively brought life on campus to a halt over the past week since a campus biology professor objected to a planned demonstration that asked white students and faculty to leave campus for a day.
