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Harvard To Hold Blacks-Only Graduation Ceremony As Progressives Embrace Segregation

Harvard To Hold Blacks-Only Graduation Ceremony As Progressives Embrace Segregation

Apparently racial segregation is now an enlightened, progressive policy...just ask the elitist administrators of Harvard University who, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to hold a "Blacks Only" graduation ceremony this spring. 

According to BET, the ceremony is intended to recognize the indisputable fact that graduating from Harvard is simply harder for black students than white students because the "outer pressures of society make the already challenging coursework even more difficult."

How Higher Education Became An Obscenely Profitable Racket

How Higher Education Became An Obscenely Profitable Racket

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Student loan lenders are skimming tens of billions in profits guaranteed by the taxpayers.

"Legal" rackets have two essential components: a public-relations "cover" that obscures the racket and the mechanism that extracts the wealth from the "marks." The Higher Education Racket qualifies on both counts:

Harvard Endowment Liquidating $2.5 BIllion In Assets

Back in January, Harvard's Endowment stunned the investing world when it announced that the investing vehicle which manages $36 billion in assets, would undergo a "radical overhaul" in the way the world’s wealthiest school invests its money by outsourcing management of most of its assets and lay off roughly half the staff in the process. As the WSJ reported at the time, about half of the 230 employees at Harvard Management Company would depart as part of a sweeping change by the university’s new endowment chief, N.P. “Narv” Narvekar.

The College Majors That Don't Pay Off

The College Majors That Don't Pay Off

If you want to make big bucks straight out of college, it's probably wise to avoid choosing any of the following majors...

You will find more statistics at Statista

According to Glassdoor, Criminal Justice and Kinesiology have the lowest starting salary of any U.S. college majors at $40,000. Exercise Science might keep you physically and mentally sharp but it's also at the bottom of the pay grade with the median base salary coming to $40,640.
