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Baby Boomers Borrowed $100BN In Student Loans For Their Snowflakes; Now Defaults Are Soaring

Baby Boomers Borrowed $100BN In Student Loans For Their Snowflakes; Now Defaults Are Soaring

America's snowflake millennials aren't used to being told 'no', especially by their parents.  Perhaps that's why, as we pointed out a few days ago, more millennials than ever are now living at home with mom and roughly one quarter of them don't even both to enroll in classes and/or find a job (see "A Quarter Of Millennials Living At Home Neither Work Nor Study").  But, when it comes to racking up massive student loans for their lazy, millennial, snowflakes, we suspect a healthy portion of about 3.5 million Baby Boomers are wishing they had a do-over to do just that.

Kennesaw State University Segregates White Students For "Privilege Workshop"

Kennesaw State University Segregates White Students For "Privilege Workshop"

For all you parents who have spent the past month bragging about which college recently accepted your snowflake and dreaming about the career doors that will be opened up courtesy of an elite education and your $50,000 annual tuition checks, here is a dose of reality about what your student is actually about to be subjected to. 
