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Unisex Toilets Planned For Primary Schools In Glasgow

Unisex Toilets Planned For Primary Schools In Glasgow

Primary schools across Glasgow, Scotland are introducing unisex toilets to tackle bullying and support children “confused about their gender identity,” according to the local council. There will be no separate facilities for boys and girls in three new junior schools.  The toilets will be labelled ‘unisex’ rather than ‘girls’ or boys’ to ‘tackle anti-social behavior and make LGBT students feel more at ease’. The move has been questioned by some parents who say the new initiative could instead lead to premature sexualization and sexual abuse.

A Lawmaker Is Trying To Ban Howard Zinn Literature From Public Schools

A Lawmaker Is Trying To Ban Howard Zinn Literature From Public Schools

Via Nick Bernabe of,

A Republican Arkansas lawmaker has introduced legislation to ban the works of the late historian, activist, and writer Howard Zinn from publicly funded schools.

The bill from Rep. Kim Hendren, just noted by the Arkansas Times, was introduced on Thursday and referred to the House Committee on Education.

Why Is The Cost Of Living So Unaffordable?

Why Is The Cost Of Living So Unaffordable?

Via Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Strip away the centralized power that protects and funds cartels, and prices would plummet.

The mainstream narrative is "the problem is low wages." Actually, the problem is the soaring cost of living. If essentials such as healthcare, housing, higher education and government services were as cheap as they once were, a wage of $10 or $12 an hour would be more than enough to maintain a decent everyday life.

Dozens Of Students ‘Suspended’ After Questioning Vaccine Safety

Dozens of students were temporarily suspended at a school in Minnesota on Wednesday after they questioned the safety of vaccines.  The Rochester School district removed 71 students from class after they failed to show that they had received their vaccinations, as part of a plan to enforce a controversial state law that requires all school children to be immunized. CBS reports: Students had to submit the proper paperwork to the school district in order to prove they are exempt by Wednesday.
