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Democrats & Republicans Poles Apart On Global Warming

Democrats & Republicans Poles Apart On Global Warming

Amid widespread international condemnation, U.S. President Donald Trump has announced that he is pulling the United States out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement. The leaders of France, Germany and Italy have issued a joint statement saying they regret the decision while affirming their commitment to continuing the global fight against climate change. Senior Republicans and coal industry officials have backed the president's decision, however.

Global Warming Frenzy Continues Over Trump: When Has Mass Hysteria Ever Been Right?

Global Warming Frenzy Continues Over Trump: When Has Mass Hysteria Ever Been Right?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Corporate CEOs, French and German leaders, and the general crowd of Al Gore brainwashed global warming fearmongers are up in arms over Trump pulling out of the Paris Global Warming Accord.

The Financial Times reports G7 Allies Lead Anger at Trump’s Exit from Paris Climate Agreement.

French President Emmanuel Macron issued a video statement in English urging US scientists to relocate to France.

Heads of Germany, France, Italy Issue Joint Statement

"We're Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands": de Blasio Signs Executive Order Committing NYC To Paris Agreement

"We're Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands": de Blasio Signs Executive Order Committing NYC To Paris Agreement

The symbolic resistance against Trump's climate agenda took another step on Friday evening, when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order reaffirming the city’s commitment to the Paris climate change agreement despite, or rather due to, Trump withdrawing the U.S. from the agreement.

Studying The Climate Doesn't Make You An Expert On Economics And Politics

Studying The Climate Doesn't Make You An Expert On Economics And Politics

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In response to the Trump administration's announcement that it was pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, some of his critics declared that anyone who likes "science" would have supported the accord. 

Not surprisingly, Neil deGrasse Tyson rushed to declare that Trump supported the withdrawal because his administration "never learned what Science is or how and why it works."
