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RFK, Jr. CRUSHES Every Candidate On Favorability. Why?

A new Harvard/Harris poll out this week confirms last month's result from Economist/YouGov: RFK, Jr. continues to absolutely crush every opponent from either party when it comes to net favorability. After censorship and slurs, RFK manages to out-perform the MSM favorites. How does he do it and can he keep it up? Also today: Nurses dance to stop climate change and Germany blames Ukraine's losses on...Ukraine. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Understanding the Global Supply of Water

Understanding the Global Supply of Water

As the world’s population and its agricultural needs have grown, so too has the demand for water, putting the world’s supply of water under the microscope.

A century ago, freshwater consumption was six times lower than in modern times. This increase in demand and usage has resulted in rising stress on freshwater resources and further depletion of reservoirs.

Hotter Than Ever: 2023 Sets New Global Temperature Records

Charting Record-Breaking Monthly Global Temperatures

As local heat records are being broken across the planet, July 2023 also saw the global average temperature soar to an unprecedented 17.2°C (62.9°F).

In fact, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the four hottest days on record occurred from July 4 to July 7, 2023, breaking the previous record of 16.9°C (62.4°F) set in mid-August 2016.

The above graphic charts the average air temperature at 2 meters above the surface, since 1979, using data from Climate Reanalyzer.
