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State Of Emergency As Tropical Storm Colin Makes Landfall in Florida

The governor of Florida has declared a state of emergency in 34 of the state’s 67 counties, as Tropical Storm Colin made landfall in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Governor Rick Scott said the state’s National Guard is ready to deploy up to 6,000 personnel to areas affected by the hurricane. The storm hit land near the Big Bend area about 2 a.m. Tuesday with 50 mph winds, flooding roads and knocking out power to thousands. Press TV reports: Colin approached Florida from the southeast, knocking down power lines and trees in the Tampa Bay area and dumping up to 16 centimeters of rain.

Norway Becomes The First Country To Commit To Zero Deforestation

Norway has become the first country in the world to commit to zero deforestation. Last month the Norwegian parliament pledged that the government’s public procurement policy would become deforestation-free after a committee of MPs recommended imposing regulations to ensure the state did “not contribute to deforestation of the rainforest”. Norway is a major funder of forest conservation projects worldwide and supports human rights programmes for forest communities as well.

CERN Debunks Climate Change Theory

CERN has inadvertently completely debunked existing climate change models, exposing the fallacy of so-called ‘man-made global warming’.  CERN’s CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets) has proven that pre-industrial nations had skies much cloudier than scientists originally believed. According to Above Top Secret: Apparently, its been assumed that Sulfuric Acid was necessary for clouds to form, and that more Sulfur Dioxide in the atmosphere means more clouds during the industrial era.

Norway Bans Petrol Cars

Norway are banning all fossil fuel cars within the next 10 years in an effort to become one of the most ecologically progressive nations in the world.  Politicians in Norway have vowed to eradicate all petrol cars by the year 2025 in order to reach the ambitious goal of having every single car run on green energy. reports: According to Norwegian newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv, “FRP will remove all gasoline cars”, a headline which makes reference to the populist right-wing Framstegspartiet, or Progress Party.
