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‘Safe And Nutritious’ Genetically Modified Salmon Approved In Canada

The sale of genetically modified salmon has been approved by Canadian health authorities, making it the first genetically altered animal to be allowed for consumption in the country. As Health Canada does not believe there are any health and safety risks, there will be no special labeling requirements for the new product. However, Canadian activist groups are concerned about the decision and are calling for mandatory labeling of all genetically modified foods produced in the country.

Portland School Board Bans Literature Denying Climate Change

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski of Planet Free

Portland School Board Bans Literature Denying Climate Change

There will be no more discussion as to whether or not humans are contributing to climate change in the Portland, Oregan public school system, as the school board plans to ban all material that denies the existence of man-made climate change.

Although the topic is still being heavily debated within the scientific community, young and impressionable students will now only receive the politically correct side of the issue.

U.S. School Bans Students From Denying Climate Change

A school in Portland, Oregon has completely banned its students from learning about scientific evidence that contradicts the orthodox climate change narrative.  A school board has decided to ban all reading material that denies the existence of man-made climate change. reports: Although the topic is still being heavily debated within the scientific community, young and impressionable students will now only receive the politically correct side of the issue.

Beijing Astronomers Advise Residents Of "Rare Event" Tomorrow Morning

Beijing Astronomers Advise Residents Of "Rare Event" Tomorrow Morning

BEIJING - Predicting ideal conditions for the rare sight, Chinese astronomers announced to Beijing residents Monday that the sky would be visible for a brief two-minute window tomorrow morning.


According to a statement from the China National Space Administration read in part, advising interested citizens to plan on waking early and to consider using a small telescope for better views of the sky.
