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"I Am Not Your Experiment" - Thousands Around The World Protest GMO Giant Monsanto

A little over a year ago, GMO giant Monsanto was furious at the World Health Organization for linking glypshophate, the chief ingredient in weed killer Roundup, to cancer.  As a result Monsanto immediately demanded that WHO retract said report, saying that the report was biased and contradicts regulatory findings that the ingredient, glyphosate, is safe when used as labeled.

Zika Pesticide Spraying Over New York Causes Birth Defects

New York authorities have decided to launch an all-out war against mosquitoes by spraying the public with a pesticide that has been linked to birth defects.  The NY Department of Health insists that the Zika virus has not spread to the city, but claims mosquitoes are spreading other diseases such as the West Nile Virus. In response to public concern over the Zika virus, health officials are drenching the city in toxic pesticides.

Lightning Kills Four Elephants In Northern Sri Lanka

Four elephants, including two calves, were killed by lightning in northern Sri Lanka earlier this month Officials called it one of the worst wildlife tragedies to hit the country in years. The Economic Times reports: A female elephant, aged about 25 years, and two of her calves, aged 10 months and two years, and an eight-year-old female were found dead Sunday just outside the Wilpattu wildlife sanctuary, an official said. “Villagers from neighbouring areas alerted the authorities and we carried out autopsies,” ..

Thousands March Against Monsanto As Bayer Takeover Looms

More than 400 demonstrations took place around the world with people voicing their anger at US biotech Monsanto. The company is facing a possible takeover from big pharma company Bayer. The German pharmaceutical and chemical corporation, is reportedly considering a bid for the agrochemical and biotechnology corporation, Monsanto. RT reports: “The whole world hates Monsanto!” read the banners among a throng in Paris, marching to the sound of a drum band.

Portland School Board Bans Materials That Denies Climate Change

The Portland Public Schools board have unanimously approved a resolution aimed at eliminating any doubt about climate change and its causes in schools. The school board is planning to ban all textbooks and other materials that denies the existence of man-made climate change Is it right to completely stop students from learning about scientific evidence that contradicts the orthodox climate change narrative?
