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Hillary To Billionaire 'Climate Denier' Koch Brother: "Not Interested In Your Support"

Upon hearing the rather surprising news that prominent republican billionaire Charles Koch could possibly support Hillary Clinton in a presidential election, Clinton took to twitter to offer her response.


Meteor Narrowly Misses New York, Causes Mini Tsunami

New York narrowly missed being struck by a meteor on Saturday night, which subsequently caused a small 90 foot tsunami to occur.  Due to the fact that the tsunami occurred in very deep water – nobody noticed. Some experts have criticised the government for seemingly not knowing that the meteor was at risk of striking a populated city – which could have had devastating consequences.

Russian Tanker On Fire In Caspian Sea, One Crew Dead

A fire has broken out on a Russian oil tanker in the Caspian Sea. The Russian Emergency Ministry is preparing an amphibious firefighting aircraft to extinguish the fire as the ship drifts in Turkmenistan’s territorial waters. Russia Today reports: A source told RIA Novosti that the ignition source is believed to be on the deck of the vessel. The Palflot-2 vessel in distress is currently drifting in Turkmenistan’s territorial waters some 800 kilometers from Russia’s nearest port, Astrakhan.

Russian Tanker Catches Fire In Caspian Sea

Amid surging supply of crude and the world's biggest traffic jam of tankers, we suspect more images like the following will be seen going forward. A Russian tanker has caught fire in the Caspian Sea near the territorial waters of Turkmenistan, leaving one dead.

The Palflot-2 vessel in distress is currently drifting in Turkmenistan’s territorial waters some 800 kilometers from Russia’s nearest port, Astrakhan.
