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Russian Tanker Catches Fire In Caspian Sea

Amid surging supply of crude and the world's biggest traffic jam of tankers, we suspect more images like the following will be seen going forward. A Russian tanker has caught fire in the Caspian Sea near the territorial waters of Turkmenistan, leaving one dead.

The Palflot-2 vessel in distress is currently drifting in Turkmenistan’s territorial waters some 800 kilometers from Russia’s nearest port, Astrakhan.

Video: River Erupts Into Flames Near Fracking Site In Australia

A  river near a fracking site in Queensland, Australia exploded into flames after a coal seam gas (CSP) protester sparked a kitchen lighter above the water surface. Footage uploaded by Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham shows huge flames erupting from methane gas bubbling to the surface of the Condamine River. He shared the video on his website and social media accounts to highlight his party’s concerns about fracking and the extraction of coal seam gas.

China Plans To ‘Rove’ On Mars By 2020

China is working on a mission to land a rover on Mars by 2020 aiming to become a global aerospace power by 2030. China’s National Space Administration envisages a joint China-US cooperation on a Mars rescue mission, as depicted in the Hollywood blockbuster “The Martian,” where the agency saved both NASA and Matt Damon from an awful situation. Shanghai Daily reports: Announced in January, the Mars voyage will attempt to recreate the success of the United States’ Viking 1 mission that landed a rover on the Red Planet four decades ago.

Huge Lake Spotted Lurking Beneath The Antarctic Ice

Satellite imagery has revealed evidence of an enormous lake buried beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet.  Gizmodo reports: The first hints of the lake, presented at the European Geosciences Union Meeting in Vienna this week, include a series of mysterious linear grooves, which appear to cut across more than 600 miles (1000 kilometers) of Princess Elizabeth Land, toward the eastern coast of Antarctica.

Weather Channel Founder Slams Global Warming: "The Theory Has Failed"

Weather Channel Founder Slams Global Warming: "The Theory Has Failed"

If Bill Nye had his way, Weather Channel founder John Coleman would be heading for jail. Having spent more than 60 years as a meteorologist, Coleman penned a pointed rebuke to "the science guy's" vehement faith in the 'science' of climate change, exclaiming that "science has taken a back seat at The UN... get politics out of the climate debate."
