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New 6.2 Tremor Shakes Ecuador Coast Days After Deadly Quake Kills 500

A strong magnitude 6.2  aftershock hit Ecuador’s already devastated Pacific coast before dawn on Wednesday. The tremor saw shaken residents pouring once again into the streets, fearful of yet more damage following the deadly 7.8 earthquake at the weekend. The latest big tremor, which followed several hundred aftershocks from Saturdays quake, hit 25 km (15 miles) off the island of Muisne on the northwest coast at a depth of 15 km (9 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Dozens Of Earthquakes Strike As Japan Warns Southern Island May Split

Over the last 2-days we have been hit by dozens of earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater, and scientists have warned that the unusual number of earthquakes is a warning of something catastrophic about to occur in Japan.  On Saturday Japan’s southern island of Kyushu was hit by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, and then on Saturday night a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck off Ecuador’s Pacific coast. As the world is focussed on the most recent and largest quake in Ecuador, scientists have warned that what has happened and continues to happen in Japan is far more dangerous.

North Korea Asks West To Help Prevent Cataclysic Volcanic Eruption

North Korea have reached out to the West and asked them for help in preventing a potentially cataclysmic volcanic eruption from occurring, after one of world’s most dangerous volcano’s began rumbling again recently.  Mount Paektu, a 9,000 foot volcano on the border between China and North Korea, last erupted in 946 AD – causing one of the world’s largest eruptions in the last 2,000 years.

"This Is Catastrophic" - Thousands Of Gallons Of Deadly Radioactive Waste Leak At Nuclear Storage Site

"This Is Catastrophic" - Thousands Of Gallons Of Deadly Radioactive Waste Leak At Nuclear Storage Site

The ongoing radioactive leak problems at the Hanford Site, a nuclear storage tank in Washington State, are nothing new.

We first wrote about the ongoing radioative leakage at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, created as part of the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb, in 2013.

